Son Haberler
  • Would oil prices go up or down? Who wins, who loses?

    by - Kas 1, 2022
    -The conflict between Russia and Ukraine only added to global supply concerns sending the per barrel price of oil to $123 on March 8, 2022 , making the increase seven-fold from only two years prior. After...
  • Now cash is king

    by - Kas 1, 2022
    -The markets opened up on a positive note in October with a broad-based rally in risk assets, led by equities. Despite the dire performance of the global equity index MSCI All Country World Index (ACWI) in...
  • We are in the middle of another market downturn

    by - Eki 3, 2022
    -The US Central Bank, FED, moved forward with its hawkish tone on September 21st and delivered its third 75 bps hike bringing their official central bank rate to 3.25% as widely expected by the market. What...
  • Yeni bir finansal krizin tam ortasındayız

    by - Eki 1, 2022
    -Amerikan Merkez Bankası FED, 21 Eylül’de üçüncü 75 baz puanlık artış gerçekleştirerek resmi baz faiz oranını piyasanın beklediği gibi %3,25’e çıkarttı. Piyasaları asıl dalgalandıran ise, FED’in enflasyonun düşmesi için biraz daha zamana ihtiyaç olduğuna dair görüşü...